Hole in the Clouds
Jan 10, 2017
From personal experience, we can vouch for the fine customer service provided by the Siberian Husky behind the counter at Ballard Oil, a marine fueling and home heating oil terminal on the ship canal in Seattle.
The other workers in the office also seemed like good people.
Ballard Oil
Salmon Bay
Ballard neighborhood
(Image credit: our phone)
Feb 11, 2017
These papier-maché troll masks on display in Seattle's Nordic Heritage Museum were created by Norwegian-born Seattleite August Hansen Werner (1893–1980).
Although troll-themed masks were common articles of Norwegian folk art, these were different. Werner was a professional musician, an instructor at the University of Washington, and longtime conductor of the Norwegian Male Chorus of Seattle. He was also a painter and sculptor, and it is believed that he made these masks for operatic performances.
Ballard neighborhood
August Hansen Werner
Nordic Heritage Museum
Bergen, Norway
(Image credit: the phone)